
A leading national charity that provides learning, support and care for children, young people and adults who have a learning disability.


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My role

Working as the lead UX/UI designer at Grandad Digital the challenge was to improve the overall online experience, better present the key business value propositions and design a unified platform that improved discovery of content and enhanced the MacIntyre personalisation.

Firstly, we ran workshops and stakeholder interviews to enabled us to better understand and refine user pain points and their unique considerations.

During these workshops we were able to identify their core users, group them under intent and then start to define their personas.

The findings from the workshops formed the basis of our approach in content restructuring, user flows and site maps, defining the new and improved information architecture.


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Information archietecture

By card sorting and tree testing, I was able to test, improve and validate the proposed IA.

This new IA allowed the client and user groups, to understand the hierarchy and relationships between content, then visualise user journeys throughout the site, giving a holistic overview of how the experience would come together.



Testing potential solutions

I created mobile and desktop wireframes based upon the new IA then created a full in-browser clickable prototype. The interactive prototype allowed the client, a user panel and our internal team, to test potential solutions and agree on functionality at various review stages.



Build the visual language

Using the prototypes as the foundation, I then began to work on the user interface design. By developing a more consistent visual language with many reusable components to allow for a flexible and CMS friendly format we were able to achieve a design that was fresh and enhanced their brands’ inclusive and engaging tone.



Site winner of the Charity Enterprise category – The Good Web Guide 2019